Grace De La Rosa
2022 Political Candidate
Duval County School Board, District 2
(Beaches to Kernan Blvd)

You want change? Choose Grace!
YES to Prayer Back in School
YES to Cursive Writing
YES to Vocational Education
YES to Creativity (Arts, Music, Movie/Theatre Production, etc.)
YES to Better Health, Wellness & Nutrition
YES to Life
YES to Choice
YES to Budget Review and Reallocation of Funding
NO to Mask and Vax Mandates
NO to Vax Passports
NO to Tax Increases

To empower students, parents and teachers by creating improvements within the Duval County School system through appropriate changes in policies and procedures.

To provide all students the necessary tools to live an autonomous, financially independent life through the use of creative and critical thinking skills.

Here are three ways to show your support:
1. Sign the Petition to get my name on the Aug. 23, 2022 Ballot for School Board District 2. Type in "Grace" and select my full name, Grace De La Rosa, when it pops up.
2. Host a Get to Know Grace De La Rosa event at your place of home or business and ask attendees to Sign My Petition.
3. Contribute to my campaign at https://secure.anedot.com/grace-de-la-rosa/contribute
Contact Me
Officially Withdrew from political campaign effective April 1, 2022. Thank you for your support!

Paid for by Grace De La Rosa, non-partisan, for Duval County School Board