Holistic Wellness
Bring Grace to Your Life
A Holistic Approach to Wellness
There are eight dimensions of a human being's life that work most efficiently as a system, where each area must be optimized for the person to operate in an environment of homeostasis, of balance, of freedom and peace within. The eight dimensions are:
Grace's philosophy is such that
We cannot fix one aspect of a human being and expect them to be whole. The same can be said about systems within communities, cities, states, countries, the world, and the universe(s). Everything is interconnected in one way, shape or form. Everything.
Each person is unique, created very differently from one another; each has their own set of needs and wants in order to create a lifestyle that suits them accordingly.
She meets you where you're at in your spiritual journey.
"Challenges to your health and well-being can come in many forms. I know about this from a deeply personal level. As someone who overcame many childhood adversities, I found myself as an adult challenged once again to heal from the effects of cancer, challenging family dynamics, and more.
"In my journey through recovery, I found myself at the mercy of systems that did little more than the minimum. I had to learn to be my own advocate in order to transform my life to a place of healthy happiness and fulfillment.
"Today, I apply what I learned to help others to transform their own lives. Whether you've suffered emotional or physical trauma, or are grappling with the pain of loss, the practice of mindfulness can completely change your life for the better.
"Whatever difficulties you may be facing, just know that you, too, can experience an even better life, full of good health, joy, accomplishment, and peace."

Health, Movement, and Wellbeing Through Mindfulness
Health is more than just a lack of disease or illness. Rather, it is a balance of the whole human experience - mental/emotional, physical, spiritual, educational, occupational, financial, social and environmental - that determines one's overall wellness.
You're conscientious of your diet and you work your body hard, but how often do you think about the fitness of your mind, especially at a time when it seems like mental health issues, including stress, depression, suicidal ideation, and PTSD are front, center and on the rise? Training the brain is just as important as exercising your body along with the rest and recovery necessary for neurogenesis (neuronal growth) and hypertrophy (muscle growth) to take place. Ironically, neuronal and muscle growth only happen during rest and recovery, not while in use. They go hand in hand along with being mindful of your eating habits and your spiritual and psychic compass. It's about achieving homeostasis, balancing your chi, your energy, your life force: your body/mind/soul.
We can certainly recognize our state of consciousness through our actions and inactions. Thoughts and words are things. So too are emotions. They color your world and it shows through all that you do and don't do. And when your thoughts and emotions are in alignment with your values, you will find yourself at peace no matter the challenge.

The Salvation Army's Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC), Advisory Council Member, 2019-Present
Chapter President, Jacksonville Beaches, Holistic Chamber of Commerce (Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach)
Duval County Public School Board District 2, Candidate, 2022
Founding Chairperson, First Coast Recovery Advocates (FCRA) (RCO), 2019-2020
Volunteer, Forensic Peer Work Group, Dept. of Children and Families, 2020-Present
Volunteer, Families of Slain Children, Inc. (FOSCI)
Member, Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice (CSSJ), 2020-Present
Member, Northeast Florida Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NEFCADA), 2019-2020
Member, Taoist Tai Chi Society
Member, World Affairs Council of Jacksonville, 2019-2020